University of Florida and UF Health

Dance, Exercise or Yoga

Release, Waiver of Liability and Attestation

In consideration for my participation in Dance, Exercise or Yoga classes (the “Activities”), I knowingly and voluntarily execute this Release, Waiver of Liability and Attestation (“Release”).  I hereby discharge AND RELEASE THE uNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA BOARD OF TRUSTEES, SHANDS JACKSONVILLE MEDICAL CENTER, INC., UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA JACKSONVILLE PHYSICIANS, INC., FLORIDA PROTON THERAPY INSTITUE, INC., Shands TEACHING HOSPITAL AND CLINICS, INC., AND THEIR RESPECTIVE employees, officers, directors, AGENTS, subsidiaries and affiliates, and the University of Florida Board of Trustees (“rELEASEES”) from any and all claims, damages, LIABILITY, AND RESPONSIBIILTY WHATSOEVER, HOWEVER CAUSED, FOR ANY AND ALL DAMAGES, CLAIMS, OR CAUSES OF ACTION THAT i, MY ESTATE, HEIRS, ADMINISTRATORS, EXECUTORS, OR ASSIGNS MAY HAVE FOR ANY LOSS, ILLNESS, PERSONAL INJURY, DEATH OR PROPERTY DAMAGE ARISING OUT OF OR IN ANY MANNER PERTAINING TO my participation in THE ACTIVITIES, WHETHER CAUSED BY THE NEGLIGENCE OF RELEASEES OR OTHERWISE.  I agree to assume full responsibility for any personal injury that may be sustained by me or any loss or damage to my personal property as a result of my participation in THE ACTIVITIES. 


I acknowledge and agree that participation in the Activities involves exercise and strenuous activity and I should consult with my medical professional before participating in such Activities. I attest that I am physically fit to participate in these Activities.  By signing below, I acknowledge and represent that I have read and understand this Release, that I sign it voluntarily and for full and adequate consideration, fully intending to be bound by same, and that I am at last eighteen (18) years of age and fully competent.

Please complete the following to electronically sign and submit your waiver.

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